Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Tempoyak is a dish which originated from the fermented durian. Tempoyak usually consumed as a side dish of rice. Tempoyak can also be eaten directly but this is rarely done, because the acidity and aroma of tempoyak itself). In addition, tempoyak can also used to be some ingredient for cooking. Tempoyak known in Indonesia (especially in Palembang Sumatra and Kalimantan) and Malaysia. How to make Tempoyak : Tempoyak made ​​by durian, . ...

Aceh Noodle (Mie Aceh)

Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish which come from Aceh, Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with sliced ​​beef, lamb or seafood (shrimp and squid). Aceh noodles are available in two types there are,  Mie Aceh Goreng (fried and dry) and Mie Aceh Kuah (soup). Usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips, sliced ​​red onion, cucumber, and lime. The main ingredient of Aceh noodle recipe: 400 g noodles 350 ml beef broth 250 gr lamb...


Bakso or Baso (Meatball) is kind of ball which made by meat, this is one of the most delicious food in Indonesia. Meatball commonly made of a mixture of ground beef and tapioca flour, but there are also meatballs made ​​from chicken meat, fish, or shrimp. Meatballs are very popular and can be found all over Indonesia; from street vendors carts to great restaurants. Various types of meatballs now widely on offer in the form of frozen foods sold in...


Rendang is a traditional food which consist of meat and coconut milk. This food originated come from Minang Kabau, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Rendang can be found in every Padang Restaurants in Indonesia. In the 2011 through the internet polling which involving 35,000 respondents which held by CNN International, Rendang has crowned as a  first ranked of delicious meal in the list of 'World's 50 Most Delicious Foods' (50 most delicious dishes...